Applying the Science of Triangles & Group Antahkarana

Leo Seed Thought

"The group disciple radiates the consciousness of fulfillment to expand supply and direct the will to good through Intelligent Activity to meet demand."


Virgo Seed Thought

"The Will of Spirit descends into matter. The incarnate consciousness expands revealing the Christ, resulting in Harmony."


Libra Seed Thought

"I, Conscious Soul Incarnate, initiate right use of Devic Intelligence to legislate decisions, demonstrate soul affinity in human relations, and share all resources wisely."


Scorpio Seed Thought

"I, Conscious Soul Incarnate, of the One and the Many, stand with courage born of Wisdom through the tests and trials of self. Triumphant I emerge in right relations with soul and environment grounding the new civilization and culture."


Sagittarius Seed Thought

"The Universality of loving understanding reveals the next step. The group disciple directs the Truth to manifest intelligent activity in daily living. I soul, apply Love-Wisdom here and now and so create right human relations."


Capricorn Seed Thought

"Love and mind meet in synthesis on the mount of transfiguration. The vision of a new daily endeavor inaugurates and establishes service to the One Life by releasing attachment to earthly desire."


Aquarian Seed Thought

"Opportunity, Illumination, Brotherhood. The group disciple daily pours forth the water of life directed consciously to humanity."


Pisces Seed Thought

"Vision and Wisdom of the group disciple redeems planetary substance and achieves right human relations, here and now, in Divine Law and Order."


Aries Seed Thought

“The Law of Group Progress elevates thought, emotion, and action to resurrect Christ consciousness in humanity and in a new civilization.”


“The group disciple courageously expresses the Law of Right Use through the principles of Sharing, Supply & Demand, and Democratic Participation within the One Life manifesting the new economic forms.”


Taurus Seed Thought
"The Aquarian group disciple is speeded upon the upward way by bringing Illumination, Vision, and Purpose into the mediating group of world servers.

The Law of Right Activity evolves consciousness through the principles of Individuality, Equality, and Grace."


Gemini Seed Thought

"Cosmic Love works out as goodwill in right human relations."

"The group disciple activates the Law of Right Planning which controls the motion of substance, invoking Divine Mind (Holy Spirit) through the principles of Divine Prototype, Relative Appearance, and Sequential Change."


Cancer Seed Thought

"Synthesis of Light, Love, and Power evokes conscious understanding of group rebirth under Cosmic process. The group disciple through will and knowledge of the Plan, sacrifices and serves to negate the illusion of the space-time concept."


Work to be done: The group endeavor is three parts. working with monthly seed thoughts at full and new moons. Participating in daily triangles work with two others. Putting revealed Truth into action within our relationships with others as a part of the One Life. below is a tad more detail on the work to be done.


Purpose: The group disciple serves the One Life here and now by working with the Purpose (Shamballa) and Plan (Hierarchy) for right distribution of said Plan into Humanity, and then a return path to Christ. The Divine Circulatory Flow of the Purpose and Plan to reveal earth as a sacred planet.


Function: The Triangles of Light and Goodwill help to bring the Plan held in solution into objectification/ manifestation (i.e. establish that living line of Light & Love between the head center of Sanat Kumara and His heart center, via the Buddhas of Activity). The externalization of these energies results in the solutions to the problems of humanity. This process involves the group conscious soul incarnate standing steady in the Light. The group disciple works to tap, channel, and direct those needed potencies held in solution (Plan) to establish Right Relationship on needed levels. The work done by the group disciple creates and utilizes a network of triangles (etheric) for the Divine Circulatory Flow of incoming extra-planetary energies via the science of invocation / evocation. Service results as an automatic response to these energies.


Manifestation: In this seventh ray, Aquarian Age the work done by the group disciple is to externalize the Pure Truth of the Christ Plan (extension of the Purpose/Shamballa) necessary for that growth in consciousness resulting in right relationship with devic intelligence. Triangles subjective meditation work and outer grounded activity influences daily life to bring in those forms needed for the solution to the problems of humanity. Ideas conceived by Hierarchy to support our planet’s role in the Cosmos are thus stepped down by the NGWS / triangles process. These ideas can then be externalized to benefit humanity via the needed group instruments of response.


Work to be done: A monthly seed thought (provided) based upon the esoteric ruler is worked with by group members during the meditative cycle from new moon to new moon. The group disciple works with the seed thought up to the full moon for illumination & understanding. This work also involves the clearing out or transmuting of glamour patterns comprised of thought and emotion that hinder clarity and subsequent right registration of ashramic impression to brain level; this activity also results in the dissipation of world glamour on several levels (mental, emotional, etheric maya). At new moon the distribution (projection) of the illumined meaning revealed (behind the seed thought energy) into daily life, and at the time of new moon (via positive group distribution) ensures the grounding needed for these influences of Pure Truth. In this way the Plan held in solution works out. The work covers an initial annual cycle. The Truth registered at brain level may be unique to each group member, so the sharing of received impression/application after the full moon is welcomed and in Divine Law & Order.


Meditation Form: At the full and new moons, the group disciple aligns with the Synthetic Ashram and up to the Christ. Distribution is to the New Group World Servers & triangles network, (via the synthetic ashram). Use your own procedure for the daily triangles work to circulate Light & Goodwill using

visualization and the Great Invocation. Apply said energies in your daily living. New seed thoughts will be given for each month’s esoteric ruler. Qualify all work with Joy. Both the monthly work with a seed thought and the daily triangles make up the group work to be done.


Triangle Formation: For daily work the group (outer incarnate aspect) will form triangles of three people (at least one three person triangle), who in turn may choose to form triangles with other group members. As the group members put the energies from the inner subjective work into positive expression in their daily life goodwill is grounded into right human relations.

A map of the general location of triangles members will be posted on this site to aid in the visualization of energy flow.

Response to Website- Those interested in this group endeavor please include a sentence or two explaining the motivation or reason for doing the above outlined work, in the email herein provided. Thank you.


Contact: Please use the email provided to set up a code name like “AAA” that will be placed on the map location. This is an impersonal service and each group member understands the need for decentralization from the personality reaction. As always the qualities of Self forgetfulness, Harmlessness, and Right Speech pave the way for right use of group economy and protection therein.
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